Tuesday, May 4, 2021

It's hard to believe, but once Antarctica was covered with giant forests.

Antarctica was warm enough for rainforest near south pole 90m years ago pic The Guardian

 It's hard to believe, but once Antarctica was covered with giant forests.

To date, one of Francis' most amazing fossil finds has been found in the Transantarctic Mountains, not far from where Scott made his discoveries.

Location map showing the part of the Transantarctic Mountains and Ross ResearchGate

"We were up on the icy peaks when we found a layer of sedimentary rocks, filled with fragile leaves and branches," - she recalls.

These fossils turned out to be remnants of beech bushes. Their age is only three to five million years, and they were the last.

The secrets of the petrified forests of Antarctic plants, which lived on the continent before a deep cold. However, other findings indicate that subtropical forests did exist in Antarctica much earlier in the dinosaur era.

In the middle of Antarctica, even at high altitude, the fossils of extensive forests of tropical conifers and deciduous trees, especially beech, but also other tropical plants were discovered. Interestingly, the development rings of fossilized Antarctic trees have their own characteristic, namely that they do not have slow-growing rings during the winter. Scientists believe that tropical warming in Antarctica has to do with excess atmospheric CO2, but I see things differently:

The amount of carbon dioxide needed to heat Antarctica to such values ​​would have turned the rest of the planet into an irreversible Venusian furnace.

Antarctica has always been found at the south pole because the Antarctic ridge is very close to the edge of the current sea ice, ie somewhere in the southern part of Patagonia, so the opposite edge of Antarctica would have been on the south pole, ie the south pole walked on the edges Antarctica and therefore the ice cap would have been permanent across the continent in any drift situation on the continents.

The only situation that can explain an Antarctic covered by tropical forests is a planetary inclination on the axis close to zero compared to 21-25 degrees normally.

If the inclination on the axis were zero or only a few degrees, then each latitude would have corresponded to a constant climatic regime corresponding to a month of the year:

- the intertropical zone would turn into a hot desert at +60 C / + 70 C;

- the Mediterranean area would be quite arid and hot but habitable in higher areas;

- the temperate zone starting from Bulgaria and close to the poles would correspond to June, then May (for Romania), April (Poland), March (Scandinavia), and in the polar areas it would be slightly warmer than in Scandinavia, because the sun would be in the sky all year round, although like in our morning, and the temperatures would always be positive around +15 C / + 20 C.

So there would be no glaciers except on the northern slopes at altitude, and in Antarctica there would be no tropical climate, but a humid oceanic, without frost, without winter, without snow and without night.

Monday, May 3, 2021

36 civilizations in the Milky Way


Tom Westby and Christopher Conselice published a study estimating that there were or were 36 civilizations throughout the Milky Way Galaxy (it was not said what the level of technological advancement would be, so it could very well be ancient or medieval).

The distance between them would be 17,000 light-years on average (with current technology it would take us millions of years to travel there, given that up to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, 4 light-years away, would take 6300 years).

Communication with another civilization 17,000 light-years away would take 34,000 years, 17,000 years for our signal to reach that planet, and another 17,000 years for their signal to reach our planet.

It cannot be discussed as on Messenger or as in Star Trek through video broadcasts from light years.

There is a possibility that civilization will disappear until the signal arrives, decay technologically or change completely culturally, or have been destroyed or invaded by another aggressive civilization and not find the same civilization as before.

It is impossible to communicate with other extraterrestrial civilizations through space, unless we find a way to transmit signals through wormholes / portals and reach the planet directly in a matter of seconds.

But for that we would need centuries or even millennia to study the universe, matter and dark energy, and invent a technology to open wormholes through which to transmit information, signals and messages.

Maybe signals from an advanced civilization already crossed the Earth's orbit 17,000 years ago ......... when humans were primitive hunter-gatherers hunting bison, settling in North America, inventing pottery for the first time in China and domesticated the pig.

Maybe 5,000 years ago when people built the pyramids or 800 years ago when Europe was in the Middle Ages, in the age of castles, inquisitions and knights.

Maybe there have never been any signals past the Earth about how vast the galaxy is.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

VENUS -projects and ideas for terraforming this world into a New Earth

The planet Venus has the same gravity as Earth, it is twice as close to the Sun as we are.

After the Venusian terraforming there would be two perfectly habitable areas from the start, namely the polar areas that are permanently lit by the sun, ie there we have an eternal day (if instead of ozone we had a gas from floating micro-bubbles with hydrogen that would generate a fluorescent refraction-reflection effect from the light side of the planet to the dark side of it considering that the Venusian day and night last for a whole year). about 243 Earth

On Venus, a day lasts about 243 Earth-days. That's longer than it takes the planet to complete an orbit around the Sun. So, a Venusian year actually spans just 225 Earth-days

Until we reach the level set out above, we will have to get rid of the dense Venusian atmosphere of carbon dioxide, which is currently at approx. 100 atmospheres pressure and approx. + 400-500 degrees Celsius.

The whole thing could be done by a single intelligent gas with floating micro-bubbles, gas shield that would become opaque to light and thus keep the planet Venus cold and very cold.

The cooling of the planet will also be done by a stationary shadow, a screen solar satellite located quite close to the Sun and perfectly synchronized with the Venusian position and motion in orbit, so the remaining carbon dioxide could solidify and deposit on the Venusian surface in large caps just like on Mars but not in the habitable polar zones but on the rest of the planet where it will be an eternal evening.

This solution could be applied singularly as a complete solution.

Carbon dioxide becomes and remains solid at -50 / -70 C and a pressure of over 5 atm, so the entire Venusian atmosphere could be reduced to carbon snow and would remain a nitrogen atmosphere.

We would quickly get a planet like Mars but with an atmospheric pressure similar to the terrestrial one and made up mainly of nitrogen and some oxygen, and the polar areas would be warm and habitable.

Water would be obtained by deep drilling.