Showing posts with label otzi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label otzi. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

25 years after the discovery of Otzi new information came to light

Following a three-day conference that there were new theories about human mummy Otzi the ice. Researchers were able to learn both how he died, and the voice he had when Otzi lived.

After celebrating 25 years since the discovery of the Ötztal Alps iceman, researchers presented new findings about the mummy from 5,300 years ago.

With the latest generation of criminological methods, it was discovered how Otzi died. According to the analyzes, it was not thrown off a cliff to escape enemies. Otzi was resting when he was surprised by the attacker, who fired an arrow behind the Iceman.

,, In terms significant for science, is not just a mummy Otzi. He may be the European model of ancient times, and why he lived alone, '' said Albert Zink, director of the Institute for Mummies EURAC.

The conference was presented countless aspects about iceman, and that he died at the age of 45, had arthritis was lactose intolerant, and atroscleroză suffered from periodontal problems. Also, the man was infected with Helicobacter pylori, which causes diseases such as gastritis.

Inspector Alexander Horn, Department of Criminology in Munich, Germany, tried to solve the mystery murder Iceman. Horn began by examining the facts place at 19 September 1991 found near a glacier that melted. He reconstructed the crime scene using objects that were found in its vicinity. Horn said: ,, It does not try to escape, but he wanted to rest. The man seated next to him quiver and has enjoyed a good meal '.

According to Horn, the arrow was launched from a distance quite large, taking him by surprise on Otzi. At the crime scene was found a copper ax, Otzi was probably killed because the killer to steal items, Horn said.

Another group of scientists has managed to recreate the human voice ice

Through a CT scan, the researchers were able to measure the structure of the vocal cords, throat and mouth mummy. Researchers at Bolzano General Hospital in Italy were able to reconstruct how his voice sounds Otzi, while ruling voice in Italian.

,, We can not say that I rebuilt the original voice of Otzi because we lack crucial information about the mummy, '' said researcher Rolando Fustos.

Another researcher, Franco Avanzini, added:,, Of course, we do not know what language the man spoke 5,000 years ago, but we can recreate stamp with vowels pronounced it ''.

Based on information discovered, researchers have claimed that Otzi had a deep voice and you can hear in the video below.

Source: Science Alert