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Freedom of expression does not accept it. Such traits belong to a what kind of Omnipotent ? no matter how much he says about himself that it is love, agree with Him but sometimes the love he demands is hard to achieve and maintain in such a great world where everyone struggles for survival. . If he created man with free will, then he should also respect his negative manifestations.
Origin of the universe riddle solved by Canadian physicists Daily Express |
I tried to understand. what are the good deeds that hang in the imaginary balance of heaven? It remains to be seen in the end of our lives, when our bodies will take a path of natural transformation or incineration we'll talk about that another time. You may also like other opinion
In my personal opinion, if you help those who really need it like many poor people and homless persons, theoretically you can tip the Heaven balance or something up there we still do not know, if you help the needy with a good heart without rasism or social level and respect the The 10 commandments bellow My other question is: How did you come to believe, reading the bible, that God is love and that He loves his creation?
Bible - Wikipedia |
The Ten Commandments wikipedia of course !
Main article Exodus 20:1-17 Deuteronomy 5:4-21
I am the Lord thy God 2[28] 6[28]
Thou shalt have no other gods before me 3[29] 7[29]
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 4–6[30] 8–10[30]
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 7[31] 11[31]
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy 8–11[32] 12–15[33]
Honour thy father and thy mother 12[34] 16[35]
Thou shalt not murder 13[36] 17[36]
Thou shalt not commit adultery 14[37] 18[38]
Thou shalt not steal 15[39] 19[40]
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour 16[41] 20[42]
Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's house) 17a[43] 21b[44]
Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's wife) 17b[45] 21a[46]
Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's slaves, animals, or anything else) 17c[47] 21c[48]
Ten Commandments - Wikipedia |
Let's say he doesn't like the way man manifests himself, in this situation He only has to isolate him, to isolate the bad from the good, but in no case to destroy them. Religious will claim that He has the right to destroy His creation, in order to make room for a better one. As I said at the beginning, I came to this conclusion by reading the Bible and I repeat it is my personal opinion
I draw your attention to the fact that God's words are as important as his deeds.
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