Showing posts with label bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bible. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2016

How old is the Bible? We include Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religious movements such as the Rastafari

Some of the collections of texts that make up the Bible are considered sacred by 54% of world population believe in the Abrahamic religions.

We include Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religious movements such as the Rastafari invoice. Of course, there are notable differences between one religion and another, in many ways, but the most ancient biblical stories underlying the Abrahamic religions traditions.

These writings have influenced generations and can talk a lot about the origin and value of the biblical texts, but what scientists say about how old you are?

The most important thing to get clear is that there is one Bible. In history, there have been many versions and interpretations of the same text. The best known English version of the Bible from the time of James I of England in 1611. But the oldest Hebrew text seems to be the Bible.

With the new technology, scientists were able to read an ancient manuscript, damaged, containing the Book of Leviticus, the third book of Moses, dated as of year 300 C.E. The so-called "En-Gedi" became one of the oldest existing Bible texts. But not the oldest.

This title belongs manuscripts discovered archeological site in Israel Ketef Hinnom, called The Silver Scolls. The manuscripts contain fragments of the Hebrew Bible, dating from 700-650 BCE

The famous Dead Sea manuscripts, containing most of the books that make up the Hebrew Bible dates from 50 BC - 70 AD

Therefore, the oldest biblical text aproximatix dates back 2,700 years. Of course, we are referring here only to texts that were able to locate and date. The first biblical stories were the inserted through oral discourse and written much later by various authors. Researchers analyzing these texts were written believes that the first Genesis and the Book of Job. This would have happened somewhere around 1450-1400 years BC

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Source: Big Think

Monday, September 26, 2016

Ancient Bible, published in digital format

The earliest edition of the New Testament, dating from the fourth century version will be retrieved online after fragments stored in museums in many countries of the world, announces FoxNews.

The initiative belongs to the British Library so, try bringing in a single volume the Codex Sinaiticus text named after its fragments, found in Germany, Russia, Britain and Egypt will be restored digitally.

"Extremely few people have had the opportunity to see more than a few pages of the Codex. Its publication on the internet will give anyone access to this unique treasure, "said Scot McKendrick, one of the initiators of the project.

Codex Sinaiticus was discovered in the nineteenth century, the Monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai by German theologian Constantine Tischendorf. The manuscript mysteriously disappeared shortly after the discovery, to be found in Russia over a few years. British Library was able to peruse 347 pages, in exchange for a large sum of money from Soviet authorities in 1933. A further 34 pages have reached the University of Leipzig, Germany, while six fragments are still in the National Library Russia. In 1975, Egyptian priests said they had managed to hide 12 more pages and 40 fragments of text in the monastery of St. Catherine.

The full text will be published by July 2009 and will be available free, along with translations, transcripts and explanations of theologians and linguists worldwide.

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Source: FoxNews

Researchers were able to find out the secret of a papyrus 1,800 years old What is the connection to the Bible?

An ancient papyrus written in Hebrew, 1,800 years ago, was brought back to life thanks to modern technology.

In 1970, Israeli archaeologists have conducted research in a synagogue in the vicinity of the village En-Gedi, on the west coast of the Dead Sea. Written on parchment made from animal skin, the manuscript survived on a boat when a fire destroyed the village around 600 AD Archaeologists have discovered over more than a millennium later. Papyrus of En Gedi, was burned pretty at first, I did the researchers to believe that it was originally a piece of coal.

Inquisitive scholars have wondered what is written on papyrus, but its opening by the classical method would destroy the rural carbonized papyri. In 1970 there was no type of technology which may examine the manuscript without destroying it. So, En-Gedi papyrus from which measurements of carbon-14 dated it as Century III or IV d.Hr, remained untouched, its contents remain a secret.

Decades later, upgrading technology offered researchers a chance to look at some parts of papyrus. Israeli researchers have heard of the existence of a computer program called ,, Volume Cartography '' conducted by researcher at the University of Kentucky, W. Brent Seales. Through the program, the papyrus could be conducted virtually ,, '' for researchers to be able to decode.

Skeptical, Pnina Shor, project manager Dead Sea, called papyrus to be scanned by micro-CT scanner, which is generally used for cancer patients. The image was sent from Israel to Kentucky for examination. Without noticing the original artifact, Seales and his team of researchers have processed image to flatten the manuscript.

After this process, all the lyrics on the five învelituri text could be read ,, Discovery En-Gedi text amazed us, '' said Shor of a teleconference.

,, I was amazed by the image quality since the text was unreadable, '' added Michael Segal, professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

What researchers have discovered is En-Gedi first two chapters of Leviticus, a passage from the Bible which ironically refers to the burning of offerings. Because vowels were not developed until the ninth century, the text consists only of consonants. Experts say that writing is remarkable because it is identical to the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible version.

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Source: History

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The most anticipated news in human history. The truth about "God" was said for the first time! The announcement made by scientists

Theories those who argue that the Bible reality there was in fact received a heavy blow. Israeli archaeologists have discovered an ancient seal showing that one of the characters in the Bible lived reality and its facts described in the Bible are quite true. The seal dates back to the eleventh century BC, during which, according to Scripture, the Israelites had settled in Canaan.

Coin, found in the area where the border between the Israelites and the Philistines camp, has a diameter of 2.5 centimeters and shows the fight between a man and a lion. Archaeologists have linked with the story of Samson, the biblical figure known for the battle that took her to the Philistines.

The event testifies on currency-seal does not refer to this struggle, but the struggle between Samson and the lion described in the Old Testament.

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Five bizarre details that decisively changed the course of history. What drug used Moses

Some events that occurred over time result from the actions that historians sometimes refuse to consider.

Throughout history there have been many legends that some details, seemingly insignificant, would have changed the world, as it was perceived before. But some coincidences which, however, can not be overlooked and which experts consider extremely important in the evolution of a particular event.

Here are some details that have marked the course of history, in a more or less significant:

Epilepsy Joan of Arc ( True Story of Joan of Arc )

Joan of Arc is known for having been guided by divine voices in his fight for the holy Catherine and Margaret. Numerous surveys conducted over time argue that Virgin of Orleans would have suffered, in fact, idiopathic partial epilepsy with auditory hallucinations. For now, experts can not confirm this diagnosis because, until now, were not discovered remains of Joan of Arc researchers to provide DNA samples.

The drug used by Moses on Mount Sinai

Scientists have shown that the famous,, burning bush, "Moses said several times in the Old Testament is, in fact, acacia, a tree whose leaves contain a hallucinogenic substance known as dimethyltryptamine,,". Researchers say that when the Prophet received the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai, he was under the influence of the drug, especially because during the procession, he could see bright lights similar to those described in the Bible.

Sir Thomas Bludworth and Great Fire of London

In 1666 a large fire destroyed most of London. When was informed that almost the entire city was engulfed in flames, the mayor at the time, Sir Thomas Bludworth refused to engage,, saying that the fire can be extinguished even if a woman urinates. "In despite not ordered the fire to be limited, Bludworth remained in office until the end of his life.

Origin sufferings of Henry VIII

In the early part of his reign, Henry VIII proved a capable leader and undisputed. After going through two accidents in 1524 and 1536, his mental health situation (and beyond) was constantly degraded, and the monarch lost the capacity. Scientists claim that the trauma they suffered during tournaments King brought the disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy,, "and that would be the basis for all diseases that Henry suffered subsequently.

Horn and French Revolution

,, Great Fear "event known as the Great French Revolution catalyst remains to this day shrouded in mystery. No one could figure out what prompted peasants to turn against their leaders. However, in the 70s historians put the event to the fact that the rebels ate rye infested with fungus known as ergot,, "in scientific language,, Claviceps purpurea." experts say that ingesting this plant causes paranoia and hallucinations, in a similar way LSD.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Divine Power That Is in the Believer

In Matthew 13:11, Jesus told the disciples, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to [the crowd] it has not been granted." As followers of Christ, we, too, have the privilege to know all of the truths God has chosen to reveal in Scripture.

But do you ever feel as if other believers are somehow in on a secret that you don't know? Do you ever have the sense that they have managed to solve the mystery of how to rejoice in suffering, conquer sin, forgive the unforgivable, or live a life of love in ways you haven't yet discovered?

If that's your situation, then I have good news for you. So draw near to hear, and open your eyes to see the truth: The secret to living the Christian life is to become best friends with the Holy Spirit. He has all the right qualities for that role and will not disappoint you-the Bible teaches us that the Spirit of God is someone we can lean on, who helps us make the right decisions, and with whom we can share our deepest feelings (John 14:17; 16:13; 2 Cor. 13:14).

And the Holy Spirit offers believers much more. He loves us, protects us, and assists when we pray. He also works in and through us with divine power, and helps us to become like Jesus.

God's Spirit is a person with whom we can have a close personal relationship-and He has our best interest at heart. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through the Scriptures, and then be prepared to have a friend unlike any earthly companion-one who is with you constantly, whispering of your heavenly Father's mercy and your Savior's love.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5 Myths About Christianity and Modern Life


Christianity is the world's largest religion by a landslide. At over 2 billion adherents there is no religion or belief system even close. But the big guy is always an easy target. Write a book calling Jesus a zealot, point out an example of hypocrisy or just declare some biblical value as narrow-minded and you will have loads of mostly unchallenged media attention.

The half-truths, lies and myths about Christianity seem to increase at the rate of social media growth. There are falsehoods about science and Christianity, the divinity of Christ and the veracity of the Bible. There are so many half-truths it would take volumes to dispel them. And there are the myths. These are five that warrant examination.

Jesus Was Only A Teacher & Zealot

Jesus claimed to be God. He claimed to forgive people's sins, humanity would be accountable to him and he was the way, truth and life. He was much more than just a teacher. He was certainly not a revolutionary, in fact, large numbers of people stopped following him when he did not preach an overthrow of the Roman occupation.

All in One: the Gentle and Fierce Nature of God and Jesus - Bible

Jesus has never been accused of being a liar nor did his followers lie about him since the gospels were not written in a mythic style. He did not have a messiah complex, which involves incredible egotism, inability to love and no compassion for others, none of which remotely resembles Jesus.

Maybe what really bothers some is Jesus' claim as the only way to God. The religion of secular culture is "equality" and Jesus message sounds scandalous. He preached equality amongst people but for himself he made it clear he was the savior of the world.

People Become Christians Through Social Conditioning

Myths can mix a little truth with a lot of error. It is true that many people become Christ followers when they are young influenced by their family and upbringing. But the greatest social conditioning of any person happens when they attend a college or university. No one can honestly deny the significant changes that take place while a person is in the college environment. 

This social conditioning can change a person's morality, politics and faith. Lenin said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." Far from Christianity conditioning people to faith, the academy does everything it can to condition them away from faith.

Christianity Is A Crutch For The Weak

A crutch presupposes a need and some type of aid. Those who dismiss Christianity as a crutch are denying their own weaknesses. What mentally healthy person says they have no needs? It is emotionally weak to deny your innate neediness. What relationship has any hope of longevity when one person denies they have needs? A person who has fears of vulnerability or dependency might not acknowledge her needs. Someone who has pride and wants to be self-sufficient (as if anyone really can be) might not state his needs. But healthy people know they have needs and Christ meets those needs. Jesus is not a crutch he is a cure for the sin disease that plagues every one of us.

Christianity Stifles Personal Freedom

Researchers at Harvard, Duke and other universities have found that Christian faith and church attendance are associated with less social isolation, lower risk of substance abuse, lower rates of suicide, greater happiness and life satisfaction. 

Redhawk500's Blog

This does not sound like people who are not free. Jesus' truth sets us free from self-deception. False freedom can actually lead a person into behaviors that result in life controlling issues.

Those who say their freedom is stifled really mean they don't want standards that place absolute claim on them. They want freedom to do whatever they want without being accountable to God. Jesus gives us freedom not to do whatever we want but to become all we were meant to be.

Christianity Is Irrelevant to Modern Life
Christianity speaks to real life – work, finances, relationships, health, success, sex and more. The
Bible provides principles which help with life issues any person may face. Beyond church services the ways to access this information is more abundant than ever including podcasts, blogs, videos, apps and more.

No group, institution or government does more for the social needs of people than the Church. Poverty alleviation, educating children, disaster relief are all being addressed by Christ followers in a stunning number of ways.

Of course universal spiritual issues like the meaning of life, what happens when we die and purpose for living are all questions for which Christianity uniquely provides answers. Millions of transformed lives prove all these myths to be untrue.

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Source; christianpost