Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Land of The Dead and the Power of Satan in Middle Ages

People in the Middle Ages led certainly lives quite different from ours. But their thinking was so "different" than ours? In many ways, there are undeniable similarities: they had families, society was divided into states (or classes), living the same ambitions for their children as new and evolving into a world of emotions largely similar to ours.

On the other hand, the ratio of those emotions have another chip. Among other things, that superstition which is antechamber distress, kept the souls and minds trapped in some cruel straps. The taste for morbid faith that the world of the dead intersect naturally with the living conviction that between natural and supernatural no borders precise dark at the "mob" (and not only) serenity reason that gave evidence, however, Christian thinkers and mystics of the same period.

St. Bernard, in the late twelfth century, denounced with a gentle authority this train of superstitions and visions borrowed lack of logic of the delusion: "What sense are there in the cells of the brothers settled down to reading all those monstrosities ridiculous? About there monkeys unclean lions grim, terrible centaurs ? But halves of man? You zari under a head multihull and, for the right balance, more heads under one flesh.

This is a quadruped tailed snake a snake-tailed quadruped! Colo horse ends with a goat and beyond, an animal with horns, finish by a body of a horse. from all sides, an entire naval forms wrongheaded, for your coming rather read marble than in the pages of books and to spend days studying those things strange than cumpanesti the law of Upper. My God, My God, if we do not hinder all this nonsense, even to be ashamed of the thoughts that arise " Useless warnings! As you submit to decline moment, medieval thinking will be given a space in increasingly large and violent images that grim fantasy, wanting to arouse anxiety related to spectrum damnation, actually hiding a whole retinue of lust.

Saint Bernard photo:
In the Netherlands, Alain de la Roche, a Dominican home Breton visionary, fanciful devotion is perfect - devotio modern - and its religious expression ultraconcreta. In his work, largely composed of sermons and descriptions of fantastic visions, comes out strong sexual excess imagination. 

Here it is seeing "beasts symbolizing sins, endowed with fierce genitalia spitting streams of fire which darkened the earth, describes the meretrix apostasia the harlot apostasy, creating apostates, devouring them and vomitandu them take turns hugging him and dezmierdandu them like a mother "(Johan Huizinga, the decline of the Middle Ages).

Ars moriendi

As understood, so our ancestors world in medieval times? According to philosopher Alan of Lille (XII century), "every creature of this world is a book or a painting or a mirror for us." The author of "book" God and the purpose of life is to understand the meaning of this book, so we can lead a higher spiritual and moral existence. 

Starting with the Renaissance, people began to look at the world in a much different way. They were trying to comprehend so they can control and exploit for their benefit. Medieval world, in contrast, did not ask to be dominated, but rather contemplated. That's because at any moment could feats. For medieval consciousness, fear of impending Armageddon's descent represent a continuing threat and dark, and life beyond, as I said, it was not as limited by the obvious here. Death had visited the living without protocol, unpredictable and insidious, as confesses a story widely circulated in age, history of the three youths live and three dead, which describes the meeting of young rich members of some deceased on the edge of a forest . Skeletons keep them frightened young murmur in his ear a reminder lugubrious chorus: "So how are you guys now we have been us, as we will now be made." Testimonials about corpses traveling on the outskirts of towns and fields are so many, that chronicler William of Newburgh (XII century) complains that "you can not count." Frontiers of the natural and the supernatural are extremely fluid, and traffic between the here and the beyond is not, as one might hasten to believe, one way. Because life lasts "blink of an eye," the Middle Ages was looking for an extend beyond the Acheron.

The descriptive travel widely in the world after death is of course performed by Dante in the Divine Comedy. But she's not alone. Thurkell, peasant from Essex, is recovering from a deep coma bringing with him many and overwhelming images of geography Land of the Dead, and Fursey Irishman returns of Hell flames scorched his beard. 

When borders are passed in a sense, when in the other - and not only by humans but also for whole cohorts of spiritual beings: the nine orders of angels on the one hand, Satan and his hideous appearances Armia other. 

Two camps engaged in a merciless struggle, whose stakes represented the souls of the living. Besides angels who do not always have swords sufficiently sharp and I can not prove always the evil people are protected by the Church ( "Every monastery is - wrote on the 1100 monk Orderic Vitalis - a fortress built to protect us from Satan ") by baptism, which is a form of exorcism, through rites of passage are designed to provide effective protection in the dead man's" great journey ".

If Antiquity boasted the famous Ars Amandi of Ovid, late Middle Ages, in almost all northern Europe, he has made one of the first printings of the West, Ars moriendi (written, apparently, by a Dominican monk at the express request of the Council of to Constance, 1414-1418), the most popular book of the time. Widely read and translated into all the languages ​​of Western Europe, the long version of the paper - Tractatus (or Speculum) artis bene moriendi - it has become extremely popular in England, where he created an entire tradition literary that will culminate later in the eighteenth century, the Holy Living and Holy Dying. This "art of dying properly" consisted of six chapters: the first describes the good parts of death and concluded that death should not scare us, the second depicting the five temptations (lack of faith, despair, impatience, pride and stinginess) you assault the dying and described the methods of their ward, the third listed seven questions that must be addressed dying and consolation available thanks to salvation offered by Christian love, the fourth chapter describes the life of Christ, to be taken to any good Christian as a model, the fifth address intimates and family, indicating rules of behavior that need to be followed around his deathbed and, finally, the sixth proposed set of prayers which was entitled read at bedside of the dying.

 The short version of the book, produced in the Netherlands around 1450, is a development of the second chapter (the temptations of the dying) and contains 11 etchings, the first ten are distributed in pairs, one for each temptation. Every pair is the demon that it seeks to deceive the dying and the way to avoid temptation. The eleventh depict dead coming out victorious in harsh trials, the time when i open the gates of Heaven and Hell demon returns.

When it ended the Middle Ages?

For some, in jest, half seriously, it was not until the twentieth century, when civilization Countryside (life rhythm of the seasons, obedience to nature village) gives way to urban civilization (life rhythm of wages, taxes, subjecting nature , the city). 

Darwin as an old man photo:

For others, just when the man loses, with modernity, central position in the world thanks to Darwin's theories, he will find that is not found in the middle of its own history (Adam and Eve is but a myth) and by Freud is assured that it is not even the center of his own people, can only with difficulty be master of personal destiny (as long as the unconscious governs a large part of our existence).

Historically, things are simpler: Middle Ages ended with the Renaissance. A decisive year, an absolute frontier 1492, the year of the discovery of America, the moment when Europe, Asia and Africa cease to be the only continents of the planet. 1492 manifests its historical vocation limit and if we consider that marks the end of the Arab invasions in Europe (fall of Granada) and gives the signal that the massive integration of Arab culture (astronomy, mathematics, medicine, culinary arts, sciences, etc.) and by it has scientific treasure of antiquity. I mean is where the premises constitute emergence of humanism, individualism of political development, the notion of progress.

Yet when it ended the Middle Ages?

Here's an artistic perspective on the theme of the end of the medieval world, a parable revealing. One day the summer of 1520, riding a stallion with stumpy wrists and croup stately, melancholic Albrecht Dürer penetrate cutting on a rainy day in the city of Hertogenbosch. Received with honors by some of orfevrii vase you place the artist confesses his astonishment at seeing bold cathedral in the heart of the fair, embodied in a late gothic style. That's because her expectations are as of that day mood: gloomy.

About the settlement in question he knew, in advance, two things: that it was just an overlap surly bricks and that perpetrated with little while ago, there had taken his entire existence Hieronymus Bosch, painter all visions medieval illustrator darkest aberrations morphological mad grafting of species and kingdoms, who had given thousands of faces of people fear and demons of ancient times

If seaworthy surprising cathedral delighted him, he Durer, geometrically rational, who draw lines with precision architects man with eyes burned calculations not said a word about the great praise disappeared. It was his way to part with the past tradition dead and obsolete ages, looking for some values over which blew premonition of the future. 1520, the year past was met future, in the central square of Hertogenbosch.

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The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Descopera . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Strange text written on an Egyptian papyrus. It contains a magical invocation used by ancient Christians

A Greek papyrus dating back some 1,500 years from an ancient Egyptian city refers to Jesus' Last Supper and manna from heaven.
A small Egyptian papyrus discovered John Rylands library Research Institute of the University of Manchester, it contains one of the oldest "chants" which dates from the early Christian period.

Roberta Mazza stated that the document, which was worn as an amulet, containing a reference to the Last Supper and the "manna fallen from heaven".

It is among the few evidence which shows how the magic was used by Christians in Egypt.

Papyrus, which has existed for 1,500 years, contains fragments of Psalms and the Gospel of Matthew.

Here is the translation of the text:

The translated text on the papyrus reads:

"Fear you all who rule over the earth.

Know you nations and peoples that Christ is our God.

For he spoke and they came to being, he commanded and they were created; he put everything under our feet and delivered us from the wish of our enemies.

Our God prepared a sacred table in the desert for the people and gave manna of the new covenant to eat, the Lord's immortal body and the blood of Christ poured for us in remission of sins."

People of the time believed such passages had magical powers, Mazza told Live Science. Supporting that idea, creases can be seen on the fragment, Mazza said, suggesting the papyrus was folded into a rectangular packet measuring 3 by 10.5 centimeters (1.2 by 4.1 inches), and either placed into a box at home or worn around a person's neck.

Mazza says that when Christians believed that these texts have magical powers. She says the papyrus had been packed into a box of just 3/10 cm and was worn on the neck or kept in the house for magical protection.

Religious texts were written on the back of a document that was used to pay a fee for grain. Papyrus belonged to a tax collector Tertembuthis village, located near the town now called El-Ashmunein.

Interestingly, the person who wrote the text copied him but wrote him personally, because there are many grammar and spelling mistakes, Mazza added.

Papyrus is proof that Egyptians Christians of the past have long kept pagan magical practices while wearing and using amulets.

However, even now some Christians carry their images of saints who have written on various prayers behind you good luck.

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The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Live Science . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length

Saturday, November 5, 2016

St. Justus of Beauvais was only 9 when he was beheaded for being a Christian in France Century III. ( His body took up his head, and he began to say a prayer )

St. Justus photo: tamisuitdekunst 
St. Justus was only 9 when he was beheaded for being a Christian in the third century France. However, his body took up his head, and he began to say a prayer. This would have frightened the soldiers who beheaded him, and tried to attack him again, then fled. Boy's body was found by his father, holding his head in his hands, and then began to speak again. His head became a holy object of worship.

Other such examples are those of Saint Denis in Paris, considered the most famous, for that bore his hands head six miles from Montmartre to the place where the basilica was to be built, the Holy Gires de la Jara or Walles the Holy Winnifried the community. The number of cases is 120, those who went through this experience being martyred by the Church.
Saint Denis, a martyr turned legend in Montmartre photo: studiosparis

Christian saints are not the only ones whose head has survived after being separated from the body in Celtic culture there are fixated on this side of the body, and some stories before Celtic Christians evoked also the subject, what makes us inquire story of these Christians took as inspiration the elements of Celtic culture? Or arose independently? Christian saints are not the only cases. In ancient Greek myth, Orpheus's head separated from the body by maenads (trace priestesses of Dionysus), he continued to send prophets. Welsh legends is found also this idea.

It is tempting to believe that the legend of Justus is closely linked to Celtic culture, especially the Celtic winter holidays are likened to Christmas. But art historian Scott Montgomery has studied this issue and found a number of legends that had the same theme and, potriivit him, signifies the power of the saints after death and locates them in a position of superiority, divinizându them. In his view, there is absolutely no connection between Celtic culture and legends of saints Christians, and why they made this connection lies in the geographical distance between the two kinds of legends and circumstances in which they were running. "We have no evidence that anyone knows these legends Celtic, who are isolated from the western part of the British Isles before this practice to occur in Italy or France. The place where this method appeared not related to the legends have appeared, "he said.

There oo clear proof to the fact that Celtic culture, which spread to Europe and the British Isles until held the Roman conquest, several hundred years before the first millennium AD to begin, there was a also fixated on the head separated from the body. However, the evidence on Celtic religious culture are extremely fragile, and scientists have become increasingly skeptical about how these legends can give us valuable information about past Celtic culture.

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The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Atlas Obscura . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Top 10 - atrocities committed in the name of religion including Forced Conversion to Islam, Aztec sacrifices, Inquisition or Roman persecutions

Top 10 - atrocities committed in the name of religion, religion, jihad, inquisition, Mormon, Buddhist, burma, crusades, witch, sects photo: pinterest

Different people who have lived in periods distant from both a historically and geographically, people who worshiped different Gods and killed by violence and sadism peers, hiding in the protective shadow of religion that they have embraced it. A question should be: are religions globe foment violence or doctrines that are mere instruments through which people satisfy their pleasure to kill, with the excuse that they serve a noble purpose?

10. Buddhists in Burma

In 1850, Burmese Buddhists monks still performing it through the ritual in which human sacrifices. Once moved the capital to Mandalay, 56 people thought to be "blameless" were killed and buried beneath the city walls to become patrons of the new settlements. 

Buddhists Sacrifice photo: Britannica

Soon, two of the graves were found empty, which made him the royal astrologers to give a verdict radical: 500 people have killed and buried under the walls, otherwise the capital will be evacuated. Until the intervention of British Governors that ended the sacrifices, had been killed 100 people already.

9. Mountain Meadows Massacre
Mountain Meadows monument at burial site for some victims (near site of siege)  photo: law2

With the war in Utah, the Mormons from all over gathered in a short time, to fight the US military, who suspect that aims to eradicate Mormon population. Amid these tensions, there were rumors in Fancher-Baker train, carrying emigrants from Arkansas to California, were enemies who participated in the persecution of several Mormons. 

KnoWhys - Book of Mormon Central

The episode, remained in history as "mountain Meadows Massacre", was completed execution of a large number of immigrants on September 11, 1857. Mormons attacked the train with the help of Paiute Indians of the tribe. Two of those who had important roles in local military organization, Isaac C. Haight and John D. Lee orchestrated the attack, disguising and people seem so an attack by Native Americans. After the siege, the Mormons managed to convince immigrants to surrender. 

Mormons and Indians photo: Native American Netroots

Unwilling to let witnesses of their involvement in the attack, 120 people, men, women and children were executed. Of the latter, only 17 were spared. Only 20 years later, on March 23, 1877, one of the two leaders, John D.Lee, he would be convicted and executed on the site of the massacre.

8. Witch Hunt in Massachusetts
Salem Witch Trials photo:

With their arrival in Massachusetts, around 1600, the Puritans created a religious police who prosecuted and punished any doctrinal deviance. "Sinners" were whipped, put in the pillory, hanged, they were cutting ears or holes are languages with a hot iron. On the other side were adept at Quaker religious faction, some of the biggest enemies of the Puritans, whose religion was considered a blasphemy. 

What can we learn from the Salem Witch Trials? photo: The Art Newspaper

Quaker caught practitioners were hanged. In 1690, fear of magic and its effects i made the Puritans to condemn to death 20 witches and throwing in jail other 150 people suspected of witchcraft. In the entire period of persecutions, which lasted from 1484 until 1750 thousands of people were burned alive or hanged. According to official statistics, 80% of victims were women.

7. Sect killings Thuggee
photo: npr..rg

To appease goddess Kali brutal blood, Thugee sect practitioners in India have developed since 1500 a religious practice where people were jertifi on its altar. Most victims were killed by strangulation during rituals

Thuggees – the Cult Assassins of India photo: Ancient Origins

It approximates that 2 million people have fallen victim over time. Only in 1800 were about 20 000 lives cut short, until the intervention of the British authorities put an end to these practices. The number of victims has diminished, although in 1840 a member Thugee trial for the murder of 931 people. Currently, some Hindu priests still practice this ritual, but people place on the altar of sacrifice was taken by goats.

6. Roman persecutions
Roman Persecution of Christians photo: pinterest

One of the first persecution against Christians was spent in the year 64 d. Cr., By order of
 Emperor Nero. It is the same year that Rome was engulfed in one of the largest fires in history. Because many rumors indict himself Nero of the disaster, he ordered all Christians to be arrested and killed on suspicion of being sparked a devastating fire. 

Many have been torn by beasts during the bloody spectacles novels or were burned alive. In the coming years, actions directed against Christians continued, reaching its peak during what was called the "great persecution". It began with a series of four edicts banning Christian religious practices and went to mass execution of practitioners. The persecution ceased with the enthronement of Emperor Constantine I in 306, who was to legalize Christianity seven years later, in 313.

5. Crusades

Defined as military conflicts with a religious character, medieval Crusades were fought against enemies both external and those internal. Not only Muslims or pagan Slavs were targeted, and Greek Orthodox Christians, Cathars, Hussites or anyone Interest "status" enemy of the Popes. The initial purpose of the Crusades was the recovery of the Holy Land from the Muslims and preventing Turkish expansion. 

The Crusades were fought against the pagans, heretics or those who were excommunicated for religious, economic or political. Soon, however, they began to serve and other purposes, mainly political. Organize a crusade meant the huge mobilization of military forces and struggles assumed an extraordinary violence, resulting in a large number of casualties. The idea of ​​a religious war that serves a noble cause fevered minds of the laity, so it makes the late eleventh century, some of the people engaged in these battles, becoming after swearing "church soldiers ." It seems that by 1291, the death toll had reached 20 million, but this is only an approximate figure, in the absence of accurate records. It is likely that the figure may have been much higher, augmented by numerous crusades occurred over a long period of time.

4. Islamic Jihad
Forced Conversion to Islam photo: Frontpage Mag

The meaning "holy war" were born over time a lot of controversy. Some Muslims understand jihad by using all resources to follow Islamic doctrine and to it please Allah. It is an ongoing process through which they learn to control their own desires and fight evil thoughts. For them, jihad is inside the being and materialized by bringing justice and remove the evil from society. These precepts were known shortly an extension, which was materialized against infidels.

But a certain passage from the Koran, Sura 25, verse 52 bore many debates in the Islamic world. Many have used in the past and currently use it as an excuse to commit crimes hidden behind a religious doctrine, "Do not give up against unbelievers, but fight vigorously against them."

Holy war, mentioned in the Qur'an, made many victims for 12 centuries. It seems that in history, the number of victims killed in the name of Islam has approximately 200 million. In the early years, Muslim armies spread rapidly: in eastern India to western Morocco. Soon, various religious factions have brought their mutual accusations, declaring jihad against each other: Kharijis fought with Sunni Azariqis declared dead all sinners and their families. In 1850 a Sudanese mystic, al-Hajj Umar, has initiated a jihad in order to convert pagan African tribes.

3. Aztec sacrifices
photo: pinterest

The Aztecs theocracy began developing in the 1300s, marking the golden era of human sacrificed. About 20 000 people were sacrificed to the gods, especially the sun god, who should ensure daily ration of blood. In rituals, the heart was removed victims and their bodies were eaten. Other victims were drowned, beheaded, burned or thrown from above. In a ritual dedicated to the rain god, who used to cry often children were killed as their tears slowly bring rain. To please a goddess of corn, a virgin had to dance for 24 hours, then was murdered and his skin was abraded. A scrap mentions that the coronation of King Ahuitzotl, 80 000 prisoners were slaughtered in order to satisfy the gods.

2. Inquisition

The first inquisition movements were caused by the attitude of the masses to Christianity, particularly of the Cathars and valdensienilor. The torture began to be used after the year 1252. At that authorized the use of torture was Pope Innocent IV, by a papal edict known as Ad exstirpanda. But decree forbade bloodshed, mutilation or death

One method often used was "strappado", which involved tying the hands of the accused at the back and suspend it in the air, arms up in a fracture. Method known "improvements" in some cases add weight to the legs, which led implicitly to their dislocation. But things did not stop there. In 1568 the Spanish Inquisition Tribunal ordered extermination of 3 million people in the present territory of the Netherlands, the Spanish field, on charges of rebellion. Another example of religious fervor is the famous Spanish inquisitor Torquemada, who was on his conscience at least 10 220 souls.

1. Hindus massacre
photo: Daily Mail

The Mohammedan conquest of India was described by W. Durant history as the bloodiest episode in history. In some parts of Europe and Asia, conquered nations opted instead for converting to Islam who expect certain death. In India things were not as conquerors and wished Muslims because Hindu religion who took his place in life and culture of the people more than 4,000 years ago. 

Faced with an unusual resistant, Muslim conquerors did not hesitate to burn entire cities and massacring the entire population of them. Each such campaign increased the number of victims with thousands of souls and all the many were thrown into the clutches of slavery. Each invader they literally could build a hill of skulls Hindu followers. 

The horrendous details of the brutality of the massacre of Hindus by the Muslim Rohingya Armed Group photo: NewsBharati

The conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 resulted anihiliarea Hindu entire population of this territory. Bahmani sultans of central India had made a rule of Hindus to kill 100 000 per year. In 1399, Teimur killed 100 000 people in one day than most other occasions. Koenraad Elst teacher calculations, the number of Hindu population has declined since 1000 to 80 million in 1525.

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The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Descopera . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Monday, October 3, 2016

How old is the Bible? We include Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religious movements such as the Rastafari

Some of the collections of texts that make up the Bible are considered sacred by 54% of world population believe in the Abrahamic religions.

We include Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religious movements such as the Rastafari invoice. Of course, there are notable differences between one religion and another, in many ways, but the most ancient biblical stories underlying the Abrahamic religions traditions.

These writings have influenced generations and can talk a lot about the origin and value of the biblical texts, but what scientists say about how old you are?

The most important thing to get clear is that there is one Bible. In history, there have been many versions and interpretations of the same text. The best known English version of the Bible from the time of James I of England in 1611. But the oldest Hebrew text seems to be the Bible.

With the new technology, scientists were able to read an ancient manuscript, damaged, containing the Book of Leviticus, the third book of Moses, dated as of year 300 C.E. The so-called "En-Gedi" became one of the oldest existing Bible texts. But not the oldest.

This title belongs manuscripts discovered archeological site in Israel Ketef Hinnom, called The Silver Scolls. The manuscripts contain fragments of the Hebrew Bible, dating from 700-650 BCE

The famous Dead Sea manuscripts, containing most of the books that make up the Hebrew Bible dates from 50 BC - 70 AD

Therefore, the oldest biblical text aproximatix dates back 2,700 years. Of course, we are referring here only to texts that were able to locate and date. The first biblical stories were the inserted through oral discourse and written much later by various authors. Researchers analyzing these texts were written believes that the first Genesis and the Book of Job. This would have happened somewhere around 1450-1400 years BC

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Source: Big Think

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tunnel of light "between life and death has found scientific explanation

A respected neurologist founded a compelling new theory about the experiences of life and death.

The experiences of life and death

Gillian MacKenzie remembers he was worried about his unborn child's condition when the world around them was swallowed up in darkness, except for one bright spot. It was aware that the task had problems and lost much blood during it, but he felt comfortable in that light.

"Initially it was a single point, and then I noticed that I was dragged toward him, he thereby increasing increasingly more. The brightness was so strong that I felt that I was in a tunnel" claimed it .

"I felt no fear when I was in the tunnel and immerse me in the light. It was not a very pleasant feeling. I can only describe as a feeling of trance" continues Gillian.

"Suddenly I heard a male voice shouting:" Gill! ". It was a voice very cute and I thought, 'Oh no, I stand before God, and I do not even believe in him." He asked me if I know who is and I replied: "Yes, but I'm afraid I can not pronounce your name." it turned out he had a good sense of humor, because chuckled upon hearing my response "resumed it.

Gillian's experience has happened many years ago, before the appearance of stories about the experiences of life and death. And today that it looks real feeling for Gillian, who suffered a haemorrhage during childbirth.

No one can know for sure, but scientists believe that about one in ten will experience between life and death, most likely during a cardiac arrest.

In general we see light, we go through a tunnel, we meet with a loved one or we will gravitate over our body, watching doctors and nurses trying to revive us.

Those who have gone through such an experience described this event as cheerful and thinking what has changed for life.

Most people think that had a flash and threw it on the afterlife. Often this experience strengthens their faith and lead to the disappearance of fear of death. For these people, the events seem real, lucid and valuable.

For them might come as a shock news that a respected American neurologist believes he can explain in terms of physiological symptoms totate experiences between life and death. These explanations will refute the ideas that the souls leave their bodies to make a journey in the afterlife and to return to Earth.

A neurologist provides scientific explanation

Kevin Nelson, a professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, studied for 30 years experiences between life and death.

In his new book, he explained all the experience of life and death, his central argument involving REM (rapid eye movement). At this stage of sleep most dreams occur while the person sleeps has paralyzed body except the eyes, heart and diaphragm - the one that controls breathing.

Professor Nelson believes that some people are more sensitive than others to what is called "intrusion of REM", when the paralysis that accompanies REM occurs when a person is waking and is often accompanied by hallucinations appearing real.

The study led by Professor Nelson examined 55 cases of people who claimed to have had an experience of life and death. Of these 60% had experienced previous episodes of REM intrusion, compared with 24% of participants who were randomized.

"Instead of passing directly from the REM state of wakefulness, the brains of people who claim to have experiences between life and death, tends to combine the two states", explains Professor. This leads to positioning the subject in a state called "borderline conscience."

"Many people go through this state for only a few seconds or minutes, to pass the state of REM or waking. Being« borderline of consciousness ", paralysis, lights, hallucinations and time dreaming are normal. During a crisis such as cardiac arrest, this condition might explain what is known as the experience of life and death "continued Nelson.

In his study, Professor stressed that such experiences are encountered situations where borderline between life and death (such as trauma or cardiac arrest). These episodes have in common interruption of blood flow to the brain.

"Normally, 20% of the blood pumped by the heart to the brain. If blood flow is reduced and reaches a third of the usual amount, the brain remains active up to 10, up to 20 seconds before losing consciousness. The brain suffer injury, even if blood flow remains low for hours, "says the researcher.

"When blood is ejected from the head immediately before blackouts, tissue that is most affected is the retina, not the brain. When the retina is affected, there is a feeling of darkness that comes from outside to inside, and thus tunnel effect "explains Nelson.

"Light at the end of the tunnel can come from two different sources. It can be an ambient light - the light of a hospital room, which may be the only element recognizable when the blood is drained from the brain. Alternatively, REM system, which is known to activate visual system could generate an internal light that exists only in the brain ", mentioned Professor.

"Part of the brain associated with out of body experiences, temporoparietală region, near the area responsible for the sensation of movement." This could explain why people feel that a move during these experiences.

"Normally, this portion of the brain is involved in the REM, but in some cases, this system is not working properly, and during the transition to the state of REM brain can get some sensations of movement" added Nelson.

To explain the sensations of liberation of the soul and leave the body, Professor Nelson made reference to a study by Swiss neuroscientist Olaf Blanke. He and his team made an amazing discovery while preparing a woman for 43 years for surgery. This woman suffered seizures and the surgeon and applied a series of electrical impulses in the brain to detect where the problem comes.

Suddenly, the woman, who was conscious during the procedure, said he had an experience of leaving the body and was looking down at her. When the electric current has been interrupted, it was "back" into the body.

"Feels like the woman of being outside or inside of the body can be altered as simple as activating a switch to turn on or off a light bulb," said Professor Nelson.

The feeling of bliss could be explained by the reward system of the brain. During moments of crisis, the body eliminates a number of chemicals that causes a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing.

If during a hunting trip, the group was cornered by a predator, and people were sure to be killed would have had more chance one of them would be left behind without fighting to save other. Predator would spend time and energy on one person, it is easier for the rest of the group to escape.

During the experience of life and death, Gillian MacKenzie met his grandfather who died two years ago. It's said that gave birth to a boy - the right thing, but that would not have been where it knows - and he had the feeling that leaves his body, floating above him and he saw doctors and nurses how it operates.

It also noted that hovered over her husband and Hamish, who followed him in the corridors of the hospital, seeing as it gives him a phone to her mother.

"I was not scared, but I wanted to Hamish can announce that everything will be fine and I will return in a way back into the body," explained Gillian.

"I told my grandfather that they must leave and go back to take care of the baby and husband, but he I warned that I must have strong arguments to be allowed to go back into the body," continues Gillian.

During this episode, Gillian relived different times in the past, both good and bad, and had returned with a different perception over their lives. For example, she never forgave her mother for having left her boarding school and remembers that she cried when she left.

"Reliving those moments, I realized it was very hard for her to see me crying, but was not allowed to look back. I understand better the situation and I told my grandfather that I should return to share this new view of such problems and to help the others. After I came back, "said Gillian.

In the years that followed, Gillian became an adviser. "Before this experience I was intolerant people, but I've changed and I became a different person."

"You can come up with a rational explanation regarding this kind of experience, but it would be in vain. For us these episodes are real and have a profound effect on us and how we live our lives afterward. After this experience I ' gone any fear that ought to have in relation to my death and I think this turned me into a better person. you can call hallucinations, if you want, but they are part of our reality "said Gillian .

God's existence is denied by the scientific explanation of this phenomenon?

Professor Nelson said he did not intend to deny the existence of God or to diminish the importance of this kind of experience.

"There is a schism growing between those who believe that God is an anachronism and believes that all spiritual experiences are a dangerous illusion, and those who say that religion is the basis of their lives," explains Nelson.

"I thought it would be shown as a neurologist trying to explain the nature of spiritual experiences, not to make false theories. I treat with great respect such experiences because they are very important for those who had them. They can be considered the most influential experiences that could ever have to "continuous teacher.

"So I must try to explain in terms of physiological causes and ways in which these experiences, but I could demonstrate that they are not inconsistent with people's faith in God for the religious," he said.

"After all, who can say that this mechanism was not created by God just to give people comfort when they need it - when approaching death?" Concludes Professor neurologist Kevin Nelson.

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The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Daily Mail . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.