Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Researchers have revealed how Lucy, the oldest human ancestor, died

The known fossil of an ancestor is known by the name of Lucy. The new details about how he died were published in a study.

By using CT researchers have evaluated the fossil fractures of 3.81 million years ago. Lucy fractures by comparing with those of chimpanzee medical cases, experts have found that fractures are similar to those produced by the fall from the tree. A number of fractures of the upper right arm were the best indicator of a fall from the tree. Lucy probably tried to mitigate the fall before putting his arm. Other fractures were found in the left hip, left knee and left pelvis.

,, Death is one of the things that allow us to create a bridge between us and others. By discovering that I was more aware of it as an individual, '' said study author John Kapplerman, of the University of Texas.

Study fuels debate on how the members of the species Australopithecus afarensis lived in trees. Lucy probably lived mostly on land, but would have climbed the tree to protect from predators, suggested Kappleman.

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The above post is reprinted from materials provided by TIME  . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Friday, September 23, 2016

25 years after the discovery of Otzi new information came to light

Following a three-day conference that there were new theories about human mummy Otzi the ice. Researchers were able to learn both how he died, and the voice he had when Otzi lived.

After celebrating 25 years since the discovery of the Ötztal Alps iceman, researchers presented new findings about the mummy from 5,300 years ago.

With the latest generation of criminological methods, it was discovered how Otzi died. According to the analyzes, it was not thrown off a cliff to escape enemies. Otzi was resting when he was surprised by the attacker, who fired an arrow behind the Iceman.

,, In terms significant for science, is not just a mummy Otzi. He may be the European model of ancient times, and why he lived alone, '' said Albert Zink, director of the Institute for Mummies EURAC.

The conference was presented countless aspects about iceman, and that he died at the age of 45, had arthritis was lactose intolerant, and atroscleroză suffered from periodontal problems. Also, the man was infected with Helicobacter pylori, which causes diseases such as gastritis.

Inspector Alexander Horn, Department of Criminology in Munich, Germany, tried to solve the mystery murder Iceman. Horn began by examining the facts place at 19 September 1991 found near a glacier that melted. He reconstructed the crime scene using objects that were found in its vicinity. Horn said: ,, It does not try to escape, but he wanted to rest. The man seated next to him quiver and has enjoyed a good meal '.

According to Horn, the arrow was launched from a distance quite large, taking him by surprise on Otzi. At the crime scene was found a copper ax, Otzi was probably killed because the killer to steal items, Horn said.

Another group of scientists has managed to recreate the human voice ice

Through a CT scan, the researchers were able to measure the structure of the vocal cords, throat and mouth mummy. Researchers at Bolzano General Hospital in Italy were able to reconstruct how his voice sounds Otzi, while ruling voice in Italian.

,, We can not say that I rebuilt the original voice of Otzi because we lack crucial information about the mummy, '' said researcher Rolando Fustos.

Another researcher, Franco Avanzini, added:,, Of course, we do not know what language the man spoke 5,000 years ago, but we can recreate stamp with vowels pronounced it ''.

Based on information discovered, researchers have claimed that Otzi had a deep voice and you can hear in the video below.

Source: Science Alert

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

'' Scariest prison on Earth ''. Saidnaya prison horrors, of Bashar al-Assad

Saidnaya prison was one of the places where journalists were denied access.

Former prisoners, along with a group of architects, have created a detailed model of the torture house of the president of Syria.

Samer al-Ahmed, a former prisoner, remembers the small hatch on his cell door because he was frequently forced to stick his head through it. Guardian press his neck edge flap, then jumped on his head with his weight, until blood began to drip on the floor.

This is one of the torture methods used in the military prison of Saidnaya, the most famous prison in Syria. Until now, the complex was hidden but a team of architects has created an interactive model as part of the Amnesty International to raise awareness of the hidden stories of the brutal regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The prison is located 25 kilometers north of Damascus, near Saidnaya monastery, where Christians and Muslims have prayed for centuries.

 The new report was released following the death of 17 723 people were in custody Syria since the beginning of the riots in March 2011.

,, When I built the model, I realized that the place is not just incarceration, supervision and torture. The building itself is an architectural instrument of torture, '' said Eyal Weizman director of Forensic Architecture.

To create a clear picture of the prison, the team behind the project Amnesty has interviewed former detainees at the prison Saidnaya, who escaped ganite going to Turkey. Architecture ,, is the path of memories, '' said Weizman. ,, While viewing digital model, witnesses remembered events, obscure, violent and traumatic, '' he added.

Prisoners were constantly blindfolded and forced to kneel, when the guards entered the cell, the prisoners had to cover their eyes so they had to rely on hearing. To determine cell size, the stairs and corridors, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, sound artist, used certain reverberations. ,, Like a sonar sound to light the space around them, '' said Abu Hamdan. Prison is a prison ,, echo, if a person is tortured east like all would be tortured because sound travels through space through drain pipes or vent, '' he added.

Lack of vision and made prisoners to develop their auditory sensitivity, they could distinguish the sound of a belt of an electric cable on the skin, they knew when a man is stabbed, hit the wall were struck.

Another detail is terrifying initiation ceremony,, '' they were taken from a refrigerated truck that were brought to jail beaten with iron rods and cables, generally women were raped.

Two prisoners, and Ahmed Abdou, were held in the first months in a cell of 2.35 meters which sometimes were held and 15 people. They remember that there were many days in a row where there was water and had to drink from the toilet bowl.

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Source: The Guardian

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The story of the last witch ( Enriqueta Martí 1913 ) killed at least 40 children and drink their blood. More than that using human fat, blood, hair and bones of victims to make magic potions.

The police could not ever find out her secrets.

The early twentieth century, Barcelona was not just the city where you wanted to live. The number of inhabitants increased enormously compared to earlier periods and most of newcomers found their shelter in El Chino (now El Raval) neighborhood center at that time considered pornography throughout Europe. Sexual slavery, rape and disappearances were common and the most vulnerable victims were children.

Nobody would have imagined then that there is a downright macabre reason for little ones without missing ever be found.

At that time, Enriqueta Martí, a woman comes from a province known for witchcraft in Cataluña, Barcelona becomes apparent. At night, she prostitution and begging during the day, requiring them children they met on the streets to do the same.

Angelita was one of the girls that Spanish police were able to rescue them from the hands Enriqueta Martí (Photo:

Enriqueta Martí was born in Sant Feliu de Llobregat in 1868. As a young woman, Enriqueta Martí moved from her hometown to Barcelona where she worked as a maidservant and nanny; she soon turned to prostitution. In 1895 she married a painter named Juan Pujaló, but the marriage failed. According to Pujaló, Martí's affairs with other men, her character, and her continuous visits to houses of ill repute caused the separation. The pair reconciled and separated approximately six times. At the time of Martí's detention in 1912, the couple had been separated for five years, and had not had children.

When she was caught in 1912, the woman testified that selling children for pedophiles, but did not name any of its clients. At that time, Enriqueta said he forced a teenage girl 17 years into prostitution in a brothel Street ,, Sabadell and that helped "many girls to have an abortion. Although never recognized that he killed somebody, newspapers at the time an accused abducted and killed about 40 children in the El Raval district.

Enriqueta has not been judged for crimes they never committed. It was, however, arrested and spent almost 1 year and 3 months in prison. Cops have not found secrets ever since the afternoon of May 12, 1913 was killed by her cell mates. Soon, it was buried secretly in a mass grave in Cementerio del Sudoeste.

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Monday, August 1, 2016

What it killed Napoleon Bonaparte? Vast conspiracy behind the death of the great king

French first king death remained a mystery until today.

Only a day after his death on 5 May 1821 16 witnesses, including seven physicians, attended the autopsy. They all came to the same conclusion: Napoleon Bonaparte died of stomach cancer. Although the verdict was clearly emerged over time numerous conspiracy theories about why that led to the demise of the French Empire first ruler: he was killed by the British government? He was poisoned by its French rivals? The body was discovered at Longwood House at the king? Historian and writer Siân Rees took into account each variant, analyzing it in detail.

What is known for sure is that, for several months Napoleon had severe abdominal pain, dizzy and often accuse intense fever. His health was worsening more and more, and this has not gone unnoticed by those around him. At one point, Bonaparte told that these symptoms are due to the fact he had been poisoned, but in the end he held strongly that suffers from a form of cancer that brought his father. On 5 May 1821, the French leader went into a coma, and the next day the whole world was shocked to learn that Napoleon I no longer exist. 

MutualArt French School, 19thCentury

The first conspiracy theory related to Bonaparte's death was made even his personal physician Barry O'Meara. It claimed that the British governor of the island of St. Helena, Sir Hudson Lowe, ordered him,, shorten the life of Napoleon ". In 1818 the Irishman made public this accusation, but could still not prove the presence of a foreign substance in the body French emperor, especially since it was submitted in four coffins buried under a thick layer of stone.

In the 1950s were published personal notes (valet chambre ,, ") of Bonaparte and the doctor Forshufvud Sten took advantage of this and studied documents, hoping to find out the cause of death of the king. He found that the French leader present 28 of the 31 symptoms associated with arsenic poisoning and immediately requested a university in Scotland to perform analyzes on a few hairs that had belonged driver. it turned out that Barry O'Meara was right: Napoleon was poisoned with arsenic. with However, Forshufvud failed to find the killer.

There was indeed a killer of Napoleon Bonaparte?

Although the results obtained in the 50s were verified by experts, this is not convinced conspiracy theorists. In this regard, in the 1980s, the idea of ​​arsenic poisoning of Napoleon Bonaparte take a different direction: if the French leader was poisoned with the substance of the environment in which he lived and would not necessarily have been killed by someone in particular? The answer came from research in the UK which, over several years, conducted a series of analyzes on samples from the hair of Napoleon's son, the wife of the king, and of that coming from 10 individuals are alive. Comparing the results showed that in the nineteenth century, the amount of arsenic in the human body was 100 times greater than that present today in our body. Therefore, there is a good chance that Napoleon died of arsenic have accumulated in the environment in which he lived.

The French Revolution Glogster

Other conspiracy theories claim that the body buried on the island of St. Helena were not at anyone else but Napoleon Bonaparte. One of these assumptions states that the king has not been found on the island and was never killed, in fact, trying to climb the wall of a palace in Austria to meet with his younger son. Another theory says that the king died during an outbreak of hepatitis in February 1818 after being buried in secret by the British. Another allegation was brought to the British in 1969 during the bicentennial of the birth of Napoleon, when a French journalist asked the head body to be brought back to France because he was secretly buried by the British royal family at Westminster Abbey.

One of the most likely candidate of the place where the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte, however, remains Invalides in Paris. However, until the French authorities will not allow open sarcophagus where it's supposed bones, death of the first leader of the French Empire remains a mystery.

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