Tunnel of light "between life and death has found scientific explanation
The experiences of life and death Gillian MacKenzie remembers he was worried about his unborn child's condition when the world around them was swallowed up in darkness, except for one bright spot. It was aware that the task had problems Read More...

Marie Curie - the most important women in science
Marie Curie, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the first scientist who won the award twice, in two different fields, physics and chemistry, was voted the leading woman scientist of all time.

Although it was a less educated man, he became one of the most influential scientists of all time
On September 22, 1791 was born British physicist and chemist Michael Faraday, the discoverer of electromagnetic induction. He formulated the laws of electrolysis, known as "Faraday's laws" (d. August 25, 1867). Read More...

Secrets Behind the Shroud of Jesus from Turin
To say that the Vatican has historically tried to hide malicious authenticity of the Shroud of Turin may seem, at first glance, a paradox inexpensive and lacking substance. Why would the clergy to deny a truth that, pragmatic thinking, would not only bring benefits? Read More...

25 years after the discovery of Otzi new information came to light
Following a three-day conference that there were new theories about human mummy Otzi the ice. Researchers were able to learn both how he died, and the voice he had when Otzi lived. Read More... 

Sigmund Freud, the psychiatrist who scandalized the scientific world.
Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, then Habsburg Empire, now Pribor in the Czech Republic. He was the son of Jacob Freud and third wives thereof, Amalia (20 years younger than her husband). Read More...

The mystery of the famous '' Alien '' Atacama continues in 2016
Ata is the common name given to the 6-inch (150 mm)-long skeletal remains of a human that were found during 2003 in a deserted Chilean town in the Atacama Desert, hence the abbreviated name. The remains have been placed in a private collection in Spain.  Researchers have made a breakthrough in the mysterious Atacama desert in Chile in 2003 Read More...

Researchers have created anti-aging guide
Researchers have identified new distinctive signs of aging that have major repercussions on cellular metabolism. Of course there are certain techniques that the beneficial effects of metabolism can be enhanced to improve the life of people. Read More...

After this year floods in all Europe. Louisiana may be the second evidence of weather modification technology?
Cloud seeding is a common technique to enhance precipitation. Cloud seeding entails spraying small particles, such as silver iodide onto clouds in order to affect their development, usually with the goal of increasing precipitation. Read More...

India has planted 50 million trees in just 24 hours
Polluted cities in India have become more green. Nearly 50 million trees have been planted, far surpassing the world record existet.

IBM developed the first artificial neurons
Made of conventional materials and readily miniaturized to nanometer scale for the future composition "artificial brains", created by IBM researchers neurons can be grouped into networks capable of transferring electrical signals in a manner similar biological brain. Read More...

A patent registered by Nikola Tesla and recently discovered shows that the great engineer was long before the era in which he lived - PHOTO
Devices the researcher and imagine them in the late nineteenth century are similar to some that we use today. Read More...

Rolls-Royce today debuted its vision for the next generation of luxury vehicles. The aptly-named Vision Next 100 (codenamed the 103EX) is complete with a seemingly endless number of thoughtful touches, and clever design it's stylish and futuristic. Read More...
The discovery that changes everything about the human brain
A team of researchers created the most detailed map of the human brain, skull radiographs using more than 100 people, to identify nearly 100 new regions of the cerebral cortex Read More...
There’s A Gene That Reverses Cellular Aging, And Now We Know How In the biology lab-based equivalent of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, researchers from the University at Buffalo have uncovered the human body’s internal fountain of eternal youth, in the form of a gene called NANOG.(Homeobox protein) Read More...

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